Topic ID's generated by Time2HELP

The ID's Time2HELP generates for the topics, are determined by the template file. You should not change this manually, as this is also somewhat hardwired into the programs:

Unit: IDH_Unit_[%Unit.Name%]
Interface: IDH_interface_[%interface.Name%]
Class: IDH_Class_[%Class.Name%]
Routine: IDH_[%Unit.Name%]_[%Routine.Name%]
Property: IDH_[%Class.Name%]_[%Property.Name%]
Method: IDH_[%Class.Name%]_[%Method.Name%]
Event: IDH_[%Class.Name%]_[%Event.Name%]
Properties etc for interfaces have same ID's as in classes, which means you should never have an interface with the same name as a class and also have same names on e.g. a property. (We assume none would deliberately have an interface with the same name as a class at all.)

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